Welcome to the website of surgical ophthalmologist, Dr Roelof van Wyk.
We invite you to browse our site and familiarize yourself with the specific surgical procedures, our involvement in the Potchefstroom community and our practice.
The patient section provides important information to prepare yourself for your first visit to our rooms and informs you on what to do before and after a procedure. Helpful financial information is also presented here.
Most importantly, our site introduces you to Dr Roelof van Wyk and the team that will take care of you on your way to better eye-health….. Read more
We only implement the latest methods through state of the art equipment when performing cataract surgery”
What to expect on your first visit to Dr Van Wyk’s practice.
Our Team
Our team of friendly, competent staff will guide you through every step of the process.
I’ve had eye surgeries from Dr. Roelof. He is by far the most sincere and caring physician who not only performs at peak but really cares about your well-being. I am thankful and have the utmost respect for him and his team.
I only implement the latest methods through state of the art equipment. Surgery for cataracts means the clouded lens is being removed. [read on...]
Refractive Laser Surgery
If you are considering refractive surgery, you and Dr Roelof have to discuss your lifestyle and vision needs to determine the most appropriate procedure for you. [read on...]
Strabismus Surgery
Strabismus surgery loosens or tightens the eye muscles, which changes the alignment of the eyes relative to each other. [read on...]
Retina Surgery
At our practice Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is used to capture detailed images of tissues inside the eye to determine the damage to the eye and possible treatment guidance that can be followed. [read on...]
Cornea Transplant
During the operation you will receive general anesthesia, you will be asleep. Local anesthesia (numbing medicine) will be injected around your eye to block pain and prevent eye movement during the surgery. [read on...]
This laser is done in the rooms, most often months or even years after having cataract surgery and a lens replacement. [read on...]
Pterygium Surgery
Pterygium is a growth on the outside on the white of the eye that can stretch over the colored part of the eye. this can lead to astigmatism, or scarring if left untreated [read on...]
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Age related macular degeneration is the accumulation of deposits at the back of the eye that can lead to loss of central vision and reading vision. [read on...]